Molly Moorish Gallagher is an excellent example of young, emerging talent — with a famous last name — using her platform to do good. After working as a model throughout her teens, the 22-year-old is now studying politics and sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. Drawing upon her passion for sociological issues, she also works closely with the homelessness charity Centrepoint and was chosen as one of its ambassadors. This role sees Molly shape and promotes key fundraising initiatives, as well as taking part in incognito activities such as site visits, helpline volunteering, and the annual Sleep Out in November. We caught up with Molly to find out more about her aspirations for the future and get some tips on how to get into charity work...

You’re currently studying politics and sociology at Goldsmiths. What made you choose that path?
I studied both at school and my family members are from different backgrounds, so they’ve always been quite politically interested. It’s something I’ve always really cared about since I was a kid.
What’s your experience of studying been like this past year?
I had my exams last term and they were done at home, which was obviously weird at first. I prefer doing them in an exam hall, but I ended up doing alright. The rest of the course has been online this year too, which I don’t mind because I can work at my own pace. I feel as if it’s actually almost worked out better for me.

What’s your favourite thing about the course so far?
I’ve just started my dissertation, as it’s my final year. I get to pick a topic that I’m really interested in, so I think this is probably the best part of it. It makes you find out what your favourite part of the subject is and what you’re really passionate about.
What would you love to do with your degree in the future?
I’m not sure yet, but I’m just enjoying what I’m doing for now. I’m doing my dissertation on mass incarceration in America, so I’ve been reading lots about that. I’ve just watched the documentary 13th on Netflix and I’m reading a book called The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. For now, I’m really enjoying my studies and then I’ll see what will happen in the future.

You already work closely with the homelessness charity Centrepoint. How did that come about?
A family friend, who has worked with Centrepoint over the years, introduced me to the charity because she knows it’s something I'm passionate about. Soon after, I went to the Camberwell Centrepoint Foyer and met some of the people who work and volunteer there. Then I did the Sleep Out and became an ambassador.

Working with the charity, what has been the most valuable experience so far?
Probably raising money for the Sleep Out last year and the STAY:UP event this year. And then being able to introduce the charity to people, who maybe hadn’t heard of it or its work, so bringing awareness to that has been great.
What advice would you give to someone who would like to get involved with a charity or voluntary work but doesn’t know where to begin?
I’d say, figure out what you’re passionate about first. I’ve always known that I really care about homelessness and that it’s something I’ve always wanted to help with. Then consider what your strengths are – whether that’s working with people or helping to organise events – and get in touch with organisations and charities directly.

Do you have any other things you’re very passionate about?
For now, the things I’m the most passionate about are the subjects I’m studying and also working with Centrepoint, so I’m quite lucky that the things I’m most passionate about are what I’m already doing.
How have you been structuring your time throughout the lockdown?
Lockdown has obviously been quite tough for a lot of people, so I’ve been trying to stay quite positive and productive throughout. But I also think it’s very important to give yourself a break. Go for a walk and do nice things instead of forcing yourself to be productive constantly.
Do you have a big dream for the future?
For now, I’m just taking things step by step. I feel as if I’m still figuring out what I’m most passionate about and learning that through university and the books I’m reading. I wouldn’t say I have one big dream, but there are things I’d like to see change in the world.

Photographer Jack Alexander
Stylist Morgan Hall
Styling Assistance Raphaela Rauter & Holly Bartley
Hair by Patrick Wilson
Makeup Emily Wood
Interview by Cailin Klohk
Subeditor Primrose Jeanton